A Squared: 2 Years.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

2 Years.

Today's post is a short, but sweet one...

It's our wedding anniversary! I can't believe it has been 2 years since the best party that we ever hosted. And I can't believe how quickly the last 2 years of marriage have flown by, but it feels like I blinked and-- poof!-- they were over. If time flies when you're having fun, Alex and I have been having a blast.

So, happy anniversary to my wonderful husband Alex! And thank you for your love, patience, and everything you do! I love you.

We're off to Bavette's Bar & Bouef for a celebratory dinner tonight and then a little getaway at a later date too.

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. تتخذ الشركة العديد من الاحتياطات للحفاظ على الأثاث في المستودعات ، وأكبر دليل على أنها ليست مقصورة على عمل مجموعة من الموظفين تتمثل مهمتها في حماية المستودع والتحكم في حدوث أي شيء ، ولكنها تقوم بعمل مراقبة شاملة للمكان والتي من خلالها يمكنك معرفة كل الأشياء التي تحدث في المستودع لتتم معالجتها من البداية.

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